Real Biz Talk with Rachel Brenke

Keys to Up-Leveling Your Biz in 2022

Rachel Brenke Episode 180

Whew! We are just into the new year's been a doozy for many...not unlike the last few years.

The thing is, every day we are not working ON our business (versus in) is a day we're losing out on advancement. Lost opportunities. Lost connection. Lost brand value built.

However, I get it friend - the start of a new year can be exciting and intimidating - but I am here to help you. 

If you are thinking of bypassing this episode, I want you to picture the movie Jerry Maguire when he's on the phone shouting "SHOW ME THE MONEY!" but instead I want you to shout SHOW ME THE XXXX. It can be money, more time, more clients, more life. Whatever you are craving for yourself right now.

Overcoming these hurdles and implementing new practices can be daunting especially when you've been cobbling together a course here, a podcast there. This is why I'm getting very strategic on the episodes I'm bringing to you. They build on each other and have action items that WILL improve the trajectory of your business if you do the WORK.